Over the past year companies of all shapes and sizes have had to break old habits and develop new ones to adapt to unprecedented workplace change. So which habits are more important than others and which habits can have a positive impact on your employer brand?
In the World Employer Branding Day 2020 presentation below, Helena Serrano, Talent & Employer Branding Specialist at Medio Segundo and Employer Branding College Alumni, introduced the concept of ‘Keystone Habits,' first defined by Charles Duhigg in his 2013 book, ‘The Power of Habit.' Mr Duhigg defined Keystone habits are, 'Small changes or habits that people introduce into their routines that unintentionally carry over into other aspects of their lives.' He further added ‘Keystone habits create a domino effect that change every area of your life. Everything that is rewarded is repeated.’
Co-presenter Alexander Dilme, Global Head of Purpose & Culture and Africa Strategy Director at GBFoods discussed how the concept of developing keystone habits can be used in employer branding. Alexander introduced a framework to assist leaders to adapt the 'keystone habit' concept to translate company purpose into positive behaviors across all levels of a global organization.
Enjoy access to the presentation below.
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